Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The blanket

I have had a hard time thinking of things to post when I actually sit down to the computer. When I lay in bed I can think of so many things I would love to write down about Gabe. So, I thought I would share this little bit of " weirdness." When Gabe was born they wrapped him in the usual receiving blanket and when he was transferred to MUSC he had one as well. The hospital never gave me the one he had when he was born but MUSC gave me the one they wrapped him in when he pasted away. Well, one night I was in his room and found the bag they gave us with his receiving blanket and it smelled just like him ( newborn baby). I decided I wanted to sleep with it and unfortunately I HAVE to sleep with it every night even though it does end up on the floor some nights. I hope that eventually I can part with it but for some odd reason it still smells like him. I don't know if this is healthy but it makes me feel a little bit closer to him.

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